Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some new parts from ISA racing and fitting the new brake system pt. 2

Since my last post, I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine who is a very talented electrics engineer and does a lot of stuff for different OEMs like e.g. wirings for their cars or programming of some stuff. However since I have posted the following picture he has strongly advised me to exchange the plug on the fans to a connector due to the current flow direction.

Anyway, I'm going to change this as soon as possible.

During the weekend my father has visited me to help me finally finish the car and we moved a big step forward.

The rear brakes were uprated and done very carefully and properly. In order to minimize my efforts, I have cut the heat shield behind the brake disc to fit the new disc as I really didn't want to remove the whole wheel hub as it would have taken a huge amount of time to do so.
I also put a primer on it and painted the front plain black. Just because I wanted to do it, not because it needed to be done!

Futher on, all four sides were upgraded with braided brake lines from Nismo. It was a pretty straightforward job to do so. Unfortunately, I only have a picture of the rear lines but You'll get what I mean :)

Next thing was to exchange the front upper camber arms as I got adjustable ones from Cusco. The same thing was done for the front tension rod as it is recommended to have a fixed tension rod with no rubber bearing as otherwise you will ruin the camber arms pretty fast because they would need to take all the shocks from the street.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to mount the new front brakes because the bolt diameter is 14mm and the standard size is 12 mm. Therefore the hole needs to be made bigger. Since all of my drills accept borer up to 13 mm and I therefore only have a maximum sized borer of 13mm, it was not possible to do this. This will be done ASAP.

Good news is that I have received my mocal oil coolers for the transfer box and the rear differential but I will wait until putting it on my car as I have a lot of other things which need to be prioritized.

Finally, I'm still waiting for my parts from Japan which should have arrived few weeks back already and I really don't know what's happened with them. Without that stuff I cannot proceed with the engine build up process.

Cheers, keep on reading!

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