Thursday, January 9, 2014

Taking the car apart

Finally I have started taking the car apart.

First job was to dismount the front bumper, front left and right wing and all auxiliary parts at the front in order to have a clear access to the engine to take it out in probably 3 weeks from now as Leo has offered me his help in getting this job done :)

I was really not pleased with what I have seen under these parts and this just makes me doubt more about the real mileage of the car and therefore I have decided to check what mileage the car really has or had during the deregistration of the car in Japan. Looking forward to seeing the result.
Anyway, what I have seen is a bit of rust, a lot of dirt, a lot of burnt oil on the parts which usually don't get in contact with oil and nearly all of the screws were completely rusty and therefore very hard to unbolt. I really find it hard to believe that a car with 100kkm on the clock is this dirty and the bolts are this rusty. Not even my 200kkm '95 citroen which is driven all the time and in the winter with salted streets hast bolts which are in this condition. Anyway, I'll wait and see ;)

On January, 2nd Leo was so nice to come by and help me with the engine removal. Well, the process took about 4 hours which were funny and painful! Also we took showers in water and oil. Once again, sorry for this buddy!

Well, after taking the camshaft cover off the car few days ago and finding a mess under it, i nearly passed out!

Anyway, without rushing in, we waited to see what we would find in the oil pan and then, this was what we found:

This was the time where I actually got very calm on the outside but was raging in the inside as I got very desperate and really didn't know what to do!
To all of that Leo called a friend of his to ask for a possible reason for this and the first possibility was that the piston rings are done! I was really pissed after this as originally I didn't plan to open the engine completely.

I left the engine opening part for later to do it together with my father (another post).
